Worship Services

8:30 am Worship Service
Our 8:30 service is a traditional service accompanied by our organ. We use different settings from the ELW hymnal. Communion is offered each week and all who are worshiping with us are invited to participate. Nursery is available for children up to age five.
10:45 am Worship Service
This service is accompanied by the praise choir with piano and bass. We use a variety of resources to worship and the service is printed in the bulletin with the exception of hymns which can be found in the red hymnal. Communion is offered each week and everyone who worships with us is invited to commune. Nursery is available for children up to age five.

10:45 am Worship Service
This service is accompanied by the praise choir with piano and bass. We use a variety of resources to worship and the service is printed in the bulletin with the exception of hymns which can be found in the red hymnal. Communion is offered each week and everyone who worships with us is invited to commune. Nursery is available for children up to age five.
What should I wear to worship?
Our worship services are casual and most men don’t wear suits but if that makes you feel comfortable that’s great. Casual means anything from jeans to khakis and if it’s hot shorts are fine too.
How long is worship?
Generally we are finished in about an hour but sometimes it can take longer if the spirit moves.

Children and Worship
We provide childcare during our Sunday morning worship services but we encourage children to participate fully in the life of the congregation. Children may commune as soon as they are baptized or when parents have consulted with Pastor Alex.
Children’s Church is offered twice a month during the late service.
Throughout the scriptures God’s people have praised God through music. We offer several opportunities if you have musical gifts.
Choir/Praise Team: Our choir along with several musicians help lead the 10:45 am service. They rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 and information is available through the calendar or by contacting our music director.
Handbells: Our handbell ringers meet Monday nights at 6:00 and are directed by Bobbie Morse. They add a unique element to our worship on the Sundays they play throughout the year.

Throughout the scriptures God’s people have praised God through music. We offer several opportunities if you have musical gifts.
Choir/Praise Team: Our choir along with several musicians help lead the 10:45 am service. They rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 and information is available through the calendar or by contacting our music director.
Handbells: Our handbell ringers meet Monday nights at 6:00 and are directed by Bobbie Morse. They add a unique element to our worship on the Sundays they play throughout the year.