Plan your visit
Plan your visit
Service Times
Sunday’s at 8:30am & 10:45am
705 Wilson Ave.
P.O. Box 186
Tullahoma, Tn 37388

Where to park
Parking is available in front of the church and more parking is available behind the church.
Where to enter the Building
There are three main entrances. From the front, follow the sidewalk to the right of the Ginkgo Tree, enter the double doors to the Narthex Lobby of the Sanctuary. From the back, enter the double doors in the middle to the Connector Hallway, turn left towards the Sanctuary. Also from the back, enter the double doors to the Office Lobby, turn left towards the Sanctuary.
About Worship
Someone will greet you upon entering the Narthex Lobby. The order of worship is printed in the bulletin, handed to you by an usher when you enter the Sanctuary. You are invited to participate in the liturgy, reading aloud together the bolded parts printed in the bulletin. Music is printed in the bulletin or can be found in the back of the Red Hymnal. You are welcome to take communion with us. All are Welcome at God’s Table and All means All!
Worship Services
8:30 am Traditional Service
10:45 am Blended Traditional and Contemporary Service
Worship lasts 1 hour. We follow a pattern of worship found in the bulletin and songs from the back of the red hymnal.
Children and Worship
Where do my kids go? Childcare is available in the Nursery during Worship and Sunday School. During worship, the Nursery Attendant brings the children in to worship for a Children’s Sermon.
What information does the Nursery Attendant need from me? When you drop off your child at the Nursery, please inform the Nursery Attendant of your name, your child’s name, any allergies, or any other information you feel may be needed or useful.
Can my kids just stay with me? Yes! We encourage children to fully participate in the life of the congregation! We also provide fidget toys, children’s Bibles and books, and activity books for kids if you’re interested.
Children’s Church. We offer children’s church twice a month in the Children’s Chapel. We begin after the children’s sermon and return to worship during the passing of the peace. Here children learn and practice various components of a worship service so they can be more familiar and have a better understanding of what these practices and rituals are about in what is affectionately called “Big Church.”
who we are
We are a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God’s grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person–questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God’s work in Christ’s name for the life of the world.
Other FAQ’s
What should I wear?
We are a pretty casual church. People generally wear what makes them comfortable. You might see anything from jeans and t-shirts to dresses and suits.
Will I have to identify myself or be called out?
What about communion?
All are welcome at God’s Table, and all means all!